Saturday, January 24, 2004

Are they all plotting against me?

I'm trying to work on getting my portfolio into a more professional state.

Ironically, I am using material from my student sketch book to do this, since I haven't been allowed the chance to actually design anything in my professional career- unless you count nurses' stations. Millwork. Whoopee. I'll have prospective employers breaking down the door for that shite.

Also ironic is the fact that my incompetant computer is fighting me every step of the way. Kind of like the computers at work, which is one of the reasons I'm trying to leave! At work, AutoCAD keeps "fatal erroring" on me, and so far today my home computer has given me the "CorelDraw has caused an error" crap 3 times. Of course, maybe at home it's because I'm using bootleg....oops. Heh. At least my new printer and scanner kick butt!

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